Terms and Design Details

Graphical representation refers to visualization designs showing the raw data or the statistical summary derived from the raw data intuitively. They are the overview as well as detailed descriptions to the raw data.

Illustrative representation refers to the implementation of visual abstraction that is extracted from visual analogs and developed to improve the depiction of information. They are the optical abstraction extracted from visual analogue(s).

Artistic representation refers to the experience oriented, creative, integrated expression of the biofeedback data with the intent of making art. The aim of which is to create an aesthetically pleasing experience through its art forms. They are the experience oriented expression of visual metaphor(s).

Ambient representation refers to a form of representation that displays the data in a visually appealing way which is attractive and tangible large scale data changes by using everyday objects (meaning “non-screen” in this paper) as the media. They take attractive and tangible everyday object(s) as the media.
Result Analysis

Comparison (with std. error) of the cognitive demand for Attention, Comprehension and Execution for the proposed measurements on given different designs (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01).
Demo Video
This video shows the motivation and how we adopt the proposed four types of representation styles to create new designs for our daily life. Please try this if the above video is not working.